Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy 10-Month Birthday, Jack!

Wow ... 10 months!!! I can't hardly believe that my baby boy will be a year old in just two short months. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. These past few weeks, Jack has really blossomed ... "talking" nonstop, being a social butterfly, and making everyone fall in love with him. So, to commemorate his growing up and becoming a big boy this afternoon, Jack joined me at my hair appointment and got a little snip snip himself! I was hesitant to get his hair cut all this time (even though his mop top was starting to get a little scraggly :), just because I felt that cutting his hair would make him a little boy and no longer a baby. And, I just wasn't quite ready for that. But today we just went for it, and he looks even more adorable than ever! And, I didn't even cry when my stylist Jaime started cutting!!! (Thanks for the wonderful haircut AND the wonderful conversations, as always, Jaime!)

Jack (aka Mop Top) before ...

And, after ...

Stylin' and profilin' ... "Whatcha think of my new do?!?!"

Just when we thought he couldn't get any cuter :)

Happy 10-Month Birthday, Little Man! Might I say... you're more handsome than ever!


  1. Happy 10 months handsome boy!!! xoxoxo

  2. Korey, I didn't think it was possible for Jack to be anymore adorable but he is. Happy 10 months Jack.
