Wednesday, October 12, 2011

From Challenge to Triumph

I got the most awesome text while I was at work this morning.  In the middle of my ICU Skills Fair that I am required to complete annually to maintain my nursing competency, my mom (who was watching Jack for me) sent me a video text message.  Gotta love technology these days, right?!?!

Anyways, the video brought me to tears right there in the middle of a classroom at the Nursing Education Center ... it was a video of my little Jack straight up WALKING while pushing a his little lion push toy ALL BY HIMSELF!!!  He'd kind of done this for us earlier this week, but not nearly as independently as he did today, and let me tell you, it made my whole week! 

Jack just makes me prouder and prouder every single day.  I was impressed with him crawling, pulling to stand, and cruising, but this nearly walking thing has honestly caught me a little by surprise.  It's truly amazing how much I celebrate even the smallest milestones (although I consider almost walking a HUGE milestone!).  The feeling you get when your child does something for the first time is just unparalleled, but coupling that feeling with people continually reminding you that your child "will be delayed" just compounds those emotions even greater and makes you prouder than you ever thought possible.

I've found myself wrapped up in planning for the Buddy Walk (among other things) these past few weeks, and I'm so glad that my little buddy has forced me to keep sight of why we're doing all the work we're doing for this event.  This weekend is ABOUT celebrating our exceptional children who happen to have an extra chromosome.  And, I have only person to thank ... my Jack ... for giving me the perspective to live life in a whole new way, to celebrate our triumphs over our challenges. 

Good night, friends!  May you seek and find strength this week to appreciate your challenges, as it is they that allow you to better celebrate your triumphs.


  1. Yay! So sweet and I bet you are looking forward to some excitement ahead!

  2. Yay Jack!! That's awesome.
    Lindsey Curtis and I are hoping to come and walk with you guys!
